- Burgoyne C.J., Elasto-plastic bending of plates, M.Sc Thesis, University of London, 1972.
- Burgoyne C.J., Non-linear behaviour of beams and beam-columns, Ph.D. Thesis, University of London, 1982.
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Atmospheric Delivery System, UK Patent GB2476518, granted 26 Mar 2013.
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., High Altitude Tethered Platform, UK Patent Application GB2482340, published 1 Feb 2012
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., High altitude tethered platform providing information services, UK Patent Application GB2482357, published 1 Feb 2012
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., High Altitude Tethered Platform, UK Patent Application GB2482359, published 1 Feb 2012
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., High Altitude Platform, Modulation of light by a radio signal, transmission along an optic fibre to a high altitude platform, UK Patent GB2486991, granted 7 May 2013
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., High Altitude Platform, UK Patent GB2486992, granted 7 May 2013
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., High Altitude Platform, Elevated platform tethered to the ground, wherein the tether is coated in a hydrophobic material, UK Patent GB2486993, published 12 Jun 2013
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., A cloud of sub-micron particles having a refractive index greater than 1.4 , UK Patent GB2487286, granted 5 Feb 2013.
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Atmospheric Delivery System, UK Patent GB2487287, granted 19 Feb 2014
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., A Method of Influencing the Global Incident Level of Radiation, UK Patent GB2487289, granted 12 Feb 2013.
- Davidson P.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Burgoyne C.J., A method of delivering solid particles into the earth's atmosphere, UK Patent GB2487627, granted 15 Jul 2014.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Chambers J.J., Prestressing with Parafil Tendons, Concrete, 19/10, 12-16, 1985.
- Burgoyne C.J., Structural uses of parafil ropes, Construction and Building Materials, 1, 3-13, 1987.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Sham R.H.S., Application of expert systems to prestressed concrete bridge design, Civil Engineering Systems, 4,14-19, 1987.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Aul M., Prestressed beams lifting off elastic supports, Structural Engineer, 65B, 29-38, 1987.
- Burgoyne C.J., Calculation of moment and shear envelopes by Macaulay's method, Engineering Computations, 4, 247-256, 1987.
- Burgoyne C.J., Cable design for continuous prestressed concrete bridges, Proc. Inst. Civ. Engrs (Awarded Howard Medal 1989), 85, 161-184, 1988.
- Burgoyne C.J., Automated design of concordant profiles, Proc. Inst. Civ. Engrs, 85, 333-352, 1988.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Crisfield M.A., Numerical integration strategies for plates and shells, Int. Journ. Num. Meth. in Eng., 29, 105-121,1990. doi:10.1002/nme.1620290108
- Hollaway L. and Burgoyne C.J., Further applications of polymer and polymer composites, Chapter 11 in: Polymer and Polymer composites in construction, 247-272, ed. L. Hollaway, Thomas Telford, 1990.
- Chambers J.J. and Burgoyne C.J., An experimental investigation of the stress-rupture behaviour of a parallel-lay aramid rope, Journ. Mat. Sci., 25, 3723-3730, 1990. doi:10.1007/BF00575411
- Burgoyne C.J., Properties of polyaramid ropes and implications for their use as external prestressing tendons, External Prestressing in Bridges, ed. A.E.Naaman and J.E.Breen, American Concrete Institute, SP-120, 107-124, Detroit, 1990.
- Hobbs R.E. & Burgoyne C.J., Bending fatigue in high-strength fibre ropes, Int. J. Fatigue 13/2, 174-180, 1991. doi:10.1016/0142-1123(91)90011-M
- Burgoyne C.J., Aramid fibres for civil engineering applications, in Construction Materials Reference Book, ed. D.K.Doran, Butterworths, 1992.
- Guimaraes G.B. and Burgoyne C.J., The Creep Behaviour of a Parallel-lay Aramid Rope, Journ. Mat. Sci. 27, 2473-2489, 1992. doi:10.1007/BF01105061
- Jayasinghe M.T.R. and Burgoyne C.J., The need for deep knowledge in expert systems for preliminary design, Journ. Str. Eng. 18/4, 161-168,
- Burgoyne C.J., Evolution of Bridges. Chapter 3.4 in: Technology for Technology Education, Ed. McCormick R., Newey C. and Sparkes J., Addison Wesley and Open University, 1992.
- Burgoyne C.J., Junction effects in St. Venant's torsional stiffness, Struct. Eng. 71/3, 47-53, 1993.
- Burgoyne C.J. and and Brennan M.G., Exact Ilyushin Yield Surface, Int. J. Solids & Structures 30/8, 1113-1131, 1993. doi:10.1016/0020-7638(93)90006-S
- Burgoyne C.J. and Brennan M.G., Calculation of elasto-plastic rigidities using the exact Ilyushin Yield Surface, Int. J. Solids & Structures, 30/8, 1133-1145, 1993. doi:10.1016/0020-7638(93)90007-T
- Burgoyne C.J. and Dilmaghanian R., The Bicycle wheel as a Prestressed Structure, J. Engineering Mechanics, ASCE, 119/3, 439-455, 1993. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)0733-9399(1993)119:3(439)
- Burgoyne C.J., Parafil ropes for prestressing tendons. Chapter in Alternative materials for the reinforcement and prestressing of concrete, ed J.L. Clarke, 102-126, Blackie, 1993.
- Burgoyne C.J., Should FRP tendons be bonded to Concrete? Chapter in Non-metallic reinforcement and prestressing, American Concrete Institute,, 367-380, 1993.
- Burgoyne C.J., Parafil ropes for prestressing applications. Chapter in Fibre reinforcing for concrete structures: Properties and Applications, ed. A. Nanni, 333-354, Elsevier, 1993.
- Ibell T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., Experimental Investigation of the Behaviour of Anchorage Zones. Magazine of Concrete Research, 45, 281-292, 1993.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Brown E.H., Non-uniform elastic torsion. Int. Journ. Mech. Sci., 36/1, 23-38, 1994. doi:10.1016/0020-7403(94)90004-3
- Brown E.H. and Burgoyne C.J., Non-uniform Torsion and Flexure of members with asymmetric cross-section. Int. Journ. Mech. Sci., 36/1, 39-48, 1994. doi:10.1016/0020-7403(94)90005-1
- Amaniampong G. and Burgoyne C.J., Statistical variability in the strength and failure strain of aramid and polyester yarns. Journ. Materials Science, 29, 5141-5152, 1994. doi:10.1007/BF01151109
- Ibell T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., A Plasticity Analysis of Anchorage Zones. Magazine of Concrete Research, 46/166, 39-48, 1994.
- Ibell T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., A Generalised Lower-Bound Analysis of Anchorage Zones. Magazine of Concrete Research,46/167, 133-143, 1994.
- Amaniampong G. and Burgoyne C.J., Analysis of the tensile strength of parallel-lay ropes and bundles of parallel elements by probability theory. Journ. Solids & Structures, 32/24, 3573-3588, 1995. doi:10.1016/0020-7638(95)00016-4
- Lees J.M., Gruffydd-Jones B. and Burgoyne C.J., Expansive Cement Couplers - A means of pre-tensioning Fibre Reinforced Plastic Tendons, Construction and Building Materials, 9/6, 413-423, 1995. doi:10.1016/0950-0618(95)00070-4
- Amaniampong G. and Burgoyne C.J., Monte-Carlo simulations of the time dependent failure of bundles of parallel fibres, European Journ. of Mechanics: Solids. 15/2, 243-266, 1996.
- Denton S.R. and Burgoyne C.J., The assessment of reinforced concrete slabs and bridge decks, The Structural Engineer, 74/9, 147-152, 1996.
- Stratford T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., The Lateral Stability of Long Precast Concrete Beams, Proc Inst Civ Engrs, 134/2, 169-180, 1999.
- Stratford T.J., Burgoyne C.J., Taylor H.P.J., The Stability Design of Long Precast Concrete Beams, Proc Inst Civ Engrs, 134/2, 159-168, 1999.
- Lees J.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Experimental study of the Influence of Bond on the Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Beams Pre-tensioned with Aramid Fibre Reinforced Plastics, ACI Structural Journal, 96/3, 377-385, 1999.
- Lees J.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Transfer bond stresses generated between FRP tendons and concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research, 51/4, 229-239, 1999.
- Ibell T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., The use of FRPs vs steel for shear reinforcement of concrete, ACI Structural, 96/6, 997-1002, 1999.
- Brown I.F. and Burgoyne C.J., The friction and wear of Kevlar 49 sliding against aluminium at low velocity under high contact pressure, Wear, 236, 315-327, 1999. doi:10.1016/S0043-1648(99)00293-8
- Burgoyne C.J., Advanced composites in civil engineering in Europe, Structural Engineering International, 99/4, 267-273, 1999.
- Stratford T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., The Toppling of Hanging Beams, Int Journal of Solids and Structures,37/26, 3569-3589, 2000. doi:10.1016/S0020-7638(99)00059-1
- Lees J.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Analysis of concrete beams with partially-bonded composite reinforcement, ACI Structural Journal, 97/2, 252-258, 2000.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Stratford T.J., Lateral instability of long-span prestressed concrete beams on rotationally flexible bearings, Structural Engineer, 79/6, 23-26, March 2001.
- Burgoyne C.J., (Editor) Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Fibre-Reinforced Plastics for Reinforced Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-5, two Volumes, Cambridge, July 2001.
- Burgoyne C.J., Rational Use of Advanced Composites in Concrete, Proc Inst. Civil Engrs, Structures and Buildings, 146, 253-262, August 2001. (Awarded Bill Curtin Medal by the Institution of Civil Engineers)
- Stratford T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., Crack-based analysis of concrete with brittle reinforcement, Magazine of Concrete Research, 54, 321-332, October 2002.
- Stratford T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., Shear analysis of concrete with brittle reinforcement, Journal of Composites in Construction, 7, 323-330, November 2003. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0268(2003)7:4(323)
- Burgoyne C.J., Are structures being repaired unnecessarily?,The Structural Engineer, 82/1, 22-26,Jan 2004.
- Marfisi E., Burgoyne C.J., Amin M.H.G. and Hall L.D., The use of MRI to observe the structure of concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research, 52, 101-109, March 2005. doi:10.1680/macr.
- Marfisi E., Burgoyne C.J., Amin M.H.G. and Hall L.D., The use of MRI to observe fractures in concrete, Magazine of Concrete Research, 52, 111-121, March 2005. doi:10.1680/macr.
- Alwis K.G.N.C. and Burgoyne C.J., Statistical lifetime predictions for aramid fibres, Journal of Composites in Construction, 9/2, 106-116, March/April 2005. doi:10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0268(2005)9:2(106)
- Marfisi E., Burgoyne C.J., Amin M.H.G. and Hall L.D., Observation of flexural cracks in loaded concrete beams using MRI, Magazine of Concrete Research, 52, 225-234, May 2005. doi:10.1680/macr.
- Mayhew P.M., Thomas C.D., Clement J.G., Loveridge N., Beck T.J., Bonfield W, Burgoyne C.J. and Reeve J., Relation between age, femoral neck cortical stability, and hip fracture risk, (Reprint)The Lancet, 366, 129-135, 9th July 2005.
- Xu Q. and Burgoyne C.J., Thermal-creep analysis of concrete bridges, Proc. Inst. Civ. Engrs, Bridge Engineering, 158/3, 107-115, Sept 2005. doi:10.1680/bren.2005.158.3.107
- Leung H.Y. and Burgoyne C.J., The uniaxial stress-strain relationship of spirally-confined concrete, ACI Materials Journal, 102/6, 445-453, November 2005.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Scantlebury R.C., Why did Palau Bridge Collapse?, The Structural Engineer, 84/11, 30-37, June 2006. Awarded Husband Prize by the Institution of Structural Engineers 2007 for the best paper on bridge engineering, Reprinted, in Japanese, in Journal of Prestressed Concrete, Japan, 49/3, 64-69, May-Jun 2007 and 49/5, 66-70, Sep-Oct 2007.
- Alwis K.G.N.C. and Burgoyne C.J., Time-Temperature Superposition to determine the Stress-Rupture of Aramid Fibres, Applied Composite Materials, 13/4, 249-264, July 2006. doi:10.1007/s10443-006-9017-8
- Burgoyne C.J. and Merii A.L., On the hydrolytic stability of polyester yarns, Journal of Materials Science, 42/8, 2867-2878, doi: 10.1007/s10853-006-1360-5, April 2007.
- Achintha P.M.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Fracture Mechanics of Plate Debonding, J. Compos. for Constr., 12/4, 396-404, doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)1090-0268(2008)12:4(396). July 2008
- Alwis K.G.N.C and Burgoyne C.J., Accelerated creep testing for aramid fibres using the Stepped Isothermal Method, J. Mat Sci, 43/14, 4789-4800, doi: 10.1007/s10853-008-2676-0. Jul 2008
- Burgoyne C.J. and Smith A.L., Automated Lower Bound Analysis of Concrete Slabs, Magazine of Concrete Research, 6/8, 609-622, doi: 10.1680/macr.2007.00005. Oct 2008.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Scantlebury R.C., Lessons learned from the bridge collapse in Palau, Invited paper; Proc. Inst Civ. Engrs, special issue Civil Engineering, Learning from Failures, 161/2, 28-34, doi: 10.1680/cien.2008.161.6.28., Nov. 2008.
- Taylor H.P.J, and Burgoyne C.J., Structural Design and the Eurocodes - a historical review, The Structural Engineer, 86/20, 29-32, Nov. 2008.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Alwis K.G.N.C., Viscoelasticity of aramid fibres, J. Mat Sci, 43, 7091-7101, Nov 2008. doi:10.1007/s10853-008-3032-0
- Achintha P.M.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Moment-Curvature and Strain Energy of Beams with External FRP Reinforcement, ACI Structural Journal, 106/1, 20-29, Jan-Feb 2009.
- Thomas C.D.L., Mayhew P.M., Power J., Poole K.E.S., Clement J.G., Loveridge N., Burgoyne C.J. and Reeve J., Femoral Neck Trabecular Bone: Loss with Aging and Role in Preventing Fracture, J. of Bone and Mineral Research, 24/11, 1808-1818, 2009. doi: 10.1359/JBMR.090504.
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C.J., Stress limits for aramid fibres, Proc. Inst. Civ. Engrs, Structures and Buildings, 162/SB4, 221-232, Aug 2009, doi 10.1680/stbu.2009.162.4.221.
- Balafas I, and Burgoyne C.J., Environmental effects on cover cracking due to corrosion, Cement and Concrete Research, 40, 1429-1440, 2010, doi:10.1016/j.cemconres.2010.05.003
- Burgoyne C.J. and Leung H.Y., Test on Prestressed Concrete Beam with AFRP Spiral Confinement and External Aramid Tendons, Antoine E. Naaman Symposium - Four decades of progress in prestressed concrete, fiber reinforced concrete, and thin laminate composites. American Concrete Institute, Paper 4, SP272, Sept 2010.
- Achintha P.M.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Fracture Mechanics Model of Plate Debonding: Validation against experiment. Construction and Building Materials. 25, 2961-2971,
doi:10.1016/j.conbuildmat.2010.11.103, Jan 2011.
- Balafas I. and Burgoyne C.J., Modelling the Structural Effects of Rust on Concrete Cover. ASCE Journal of Engineering Mechanics, 137/3, 175 (2011), doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)EM.1943-7889.0000215.
- Taher Khorramabadi M. and Burgoyne C.J., Fiber-Reinforced Polymer bond test in the presence of steel and cracks. ACI Structural Journal, 108/6, 735-744, Nov 2011.
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C.J., Prediction of the long-term behaviour of high modulus fibres using the Stepped Isostress Method (SSM). J. Mat. Sci. 46/24, 7660-7671, Dec 2011. doi: 10.1007/s10853-011-5743-x.
- Balafas I. and Burgoyne C.J., Economic design of beams with FRP rebar or prestress, Mag. Concrete Res 64/10, 885-898, Oct 2012. DOI: 10.1680/macr.11.00099.
- Davidson P, Burgoyne C.J., Hunt H.E.M. and Causier M.L.T.C., Lifting options for Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering: Advantages of Tethered Balloon System. Proc Roy. Soc A. 370/1974 4263-4300, Sep 2012. doi:10.1098/rsta.2011.0639.
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C.J., Accelerated and Real-time creep and creep-rupture results for aramid fibres. J. Appl.Polymer Sci. 125/5, 3856-3870. Sep 2012. doi:10.1002/app.36707.
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C.J., Creep and strength retention of aramid fibres. J. Appl. Polymer Sci. 126/1, 91-103. Oct 2012. doi:10.1002/app.36626.
- Achintha P.M.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Prediction of FRP debonding using the Global-Energy-Balance Approach. Magazine of Concrete Research. 64/11, 1033-44. Nov 2012. doi:10.1680/macr.11.00182.
- Achintha P.M.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Fracture Energy of the Concrete-FRP Interface in Strengthened Beams. (Preprint) Engineering Fracture Mechanics 110, 38-51, 2013, doi: 10.1016/j.engfracmech.2013.07.016.
- Guan X.G. and Burgoyne C.J., Comparison of moment-curvature models for FRP plate end debonding studies using GEBA. ACI Structural Journal 111/1 27-36, Jan 2014.
- Guan X.G., Burgoyne C.J. & Achintha P.M.M., A parametric study of FRP Plate Debonding Using Global Energy Balance. ASCE J. for Compos. Constr. 18/6 04014020 doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000474 December 2014.
- Guan X.G. and Burgoyne C.J.,A Unified Design Method for Flexural Capacity and Debonding Prevention in FRP Retrofitting. ASCE J. Compos. Constr. 186, 04014014 doi: 10.1061/(ASCE)CC.1943-5614.0000470 December 2014.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Mitchell O., Prestressing in Coventry Cathedral, Structures, doi: 10.1016/j.istruc.2017.04.003, (Open Access version), 2017
Conference Proceedings
- Brown E.H. and Burgoyne C.J., Three dimensional buckling of an elastic member, IUTAM Congress, Delft 1976.
- Brown E.H. and Burgoyne C.J., General Stability equations for line members, IUTAM Congress, Toronto 1980.
- Brown E.H. and Burgoyne C.J., Non-uniform elastic torsion, IUTAM Congress, Copenhagen 1984.
- Burgoyne C.J., Expert Systems for Structural Design, Construction Industry Computer Conference, London 1986.
- Burgoyne C.J., Design of prestressed concrete beams using Expert Systems, 4th Int. Symp. on Robotics and AI in Building Construction, Haifa, 1987.
- Guimaraes G.B. and Burgoyne C.J., Repair of Concrete Bridges using Parafil Ropes, U.S European Workshop - Rehabilitation of Bridges, Paris, 1987.
- Burgoyne C.J., (Editor) Proceedings of Symposium on Engineering Applications of Parafil Ropes, Imperial College, London, 1988.
- Burgoyne C.J., Structural applications of Type G Parafil, Symposium on Engineering Applications of Parafil Ropes, Imperial College, London, 1988.
- Burgoyne C.J., Polyaramid ropes for tension structures, 1st Int. Oleg Kerensky Memorial Conference on Tension Structures, London, 1988.
- Baker M.J., Burgoyne C.J. and Dowling P.J., New strategies for bridge assessment, Assessment of reinforced and prestressed concrete bridges, London, 1988.
- Burgoyne C.J., Laboratory testing of Parafil Ropes, Les Materiaux nouveaux pour la precontrainte et le renforcement d'ouvrages d'art, LCPC Paris, 1988.
- Burgoyne C.J., External prestressing with Polyaramid ropes, Int. Symp. on External Prestressing in Bridges, ACI, Houston, 1988.
- Burgoyne C.J., Hobbs R.E. and Strzemiecki J., Tension bending and sheave bending fatigue of parallel lay aramid ropes, OMAE Europe 89, Vol 1, 691-698, The Hague, 1989.
- Guimaraes G.B. and Burgoyne C.J., Parallel-lay aramid ropes for offshore structures, Brazil Offshore 89, Rio de Janeiro, 1989.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Flory J.F., Length effects due to Yarn Variability in Parallel-lay Ropes, MTS-90, Washington DC, 1990.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Chan W.H., Active control of Bridge Structures, MARAS 91, 199-211, Southampton, March 1991.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Jayasinghe M.T.R.,Expert Systems for Structural Design - not yet the whole solution, Expert Systems, Inst. Struct. Engrs, London, June 1991.
- Burgoyne C.J., Parafil ropes - from development to application, IABSE Colloquium on New Materials, Cambridge, July 1991.
- Amaniampong G. and Burgoyne C.J., Probablistic strength analysis of parallel-lay ropes, Procs. AIAA 33rd Structures, Structural Dynamics & Materials Conference, 2864-2870, Dallas, April 1992
- Burgoyne C.J., Tests on beams prestressed with polyaramid tendons, Procs JSCE Colloquium on use of FRP in Concrete, Tokyo, April 1992.
- Ibell T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., Behaviour of Prestressed Concrete End Blocks, In L. D. Lutes, & J. M. Niedzwecki (Eds.), Proceedings of the 9th Conference on Engineering Mechanics (pp. 135-138). ASCE: American Society of Civil Engineers. Texas, May 1992.
- Hearle J.W.S., Burgoyne C.J. and Hobbs R.E., Fatigue and length effects in fibre ropes, IABSE Workshop on Length Effect on Fatigue of Wires and Strands, Madrid, Sept 1992.
- Burgoyne C.J., Tests on beams prestressed with polyaramid tendons, Procs 1st Int. Conf. on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Sherbrooke, Quebec, October 1992.
- Burgoyne C.J., Should FRP tendons be bonded to Concrete? Int. Symp. on Non-metallic reinforcement and prestressing, American Concrete Inst., Vancouver, April 1993.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Head P.R., Aberfeldy Bridge - an advanced textile reinforced footbridge, Proc. TechTextil Symposium, paper 418, 1-9, Frankfurt, Germany, June 1993.
- Burgoyne C.J., Developments in the use of unbonded parallel-lay ropes for prestressing concrete structures, Proc. FIP Symposium '93, Modern Prestressing Techniques and their Applications, Vol 2, 727-734, Kyoto, Japan, October 1993.
- Ibell T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., Plastic Analysis of Anchorage Zones for Prestressed Concrete, Proc. FIP Symposium '93, Modern Prestressing Techniques and their Applications, Vol 3, 1271-1278, Kyoto, Japan, October 1993.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Jayasinghe M.T.R., Rationalization of spine beam design for Expert Systems, Proc. FIP Symposium '93, Modern Prestressing Techniques and their Applications, Vol 3, 1291-1298, Kyoto, Japan, October 1993.
- Zheng L.X. and Burgoyne C.J., Shear load transfer by double dowel connectors, Proc. 19th Conf. Our World in Concrete and Structures, Singapore Concrete Institute, Singapore, August 1994.
- Janardhan Sundaram H. and Burgoyne C.J., Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design Expert System, Procs. Workshop of European Group on Structural Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence (EG-SEA-AI), Bergamo, Italy, March 1995.
- Ludden B.P., Carroll J.E. and Burgoyne C.J., A Distributed Optical Fibre Sensor for Offshore Applications, Colloqium on Optical techniques for structural monitoring, IEE, London, April 1995.
- Burgoyne C.J., New Materials Research at the University of Cambridge. Ongoing Research session, Symposium on Non-metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Ghent, August 1995.
- Campos C.M.O., Burgoyne C.J. and Guimaraes G.B., Flexural Behaviour of Concrete Beams Prestressed with External Parallel-lay Aramid Ropes. Ongoing Research session, Symposium on Non-metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Ghent, August 1995.
- Brown I.F. and Burgoyne C.J., Analysis of Parallel-lay Rope Terminations. Ongoing Research session, Symposium on Non-metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Ghent, August 1995.
- Lees J.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Achieving optimum Rotation capacity from Concrete Pretensioned with AFRP. Ongoing Research session, Symposium on Non-metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, Ghent, August 1995.
- Janardhan Sundaram H., Burgoyne C.J. and Jayasinghe M.T.R., Development of an Expert System for the Design of Prestressed Concrete Bridges. 4th Int. Conf. on the Application of Artificial Intelligence to Civil and Structural Engineering, F205-210, Cambridge, 1 August 1995.
- Ludden B.P., Carroll J.E. and Burgoyne C.J., A Distributed Optical Fibre Sensor for Offshore Applications, Conference on Sensors and their applications VII, Institute of Physics, Dublin, Sept. 1995.
- Lees J.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Influence of Bond on Rotation Capacity of Concrete Pre-tensioned with AFRP, Procs 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Montreal, August 1996.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Mills P.D., Effect of variability of high performance yarns on bundle strength, Procs 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Montreal, August 1996.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Guimaraes G.B., Stress-rupture data for aramid fibres, Procs 2nd Int. Conf. on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Montreal, August 1996.
- Burgoyne C.J., Campos O. and Guimaraes G.B., Behaviour of Beams with External Tendons, Procs FIP Symposium on Post-tensioned Concrete Structures, 865-871, London, September 1996.
- Sundaram J. and Burgoyne C.J., A Novel Approach to Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design, Procs FIP Symposium on Post-tensioned Concrete Structures, 747-754, London, September 1996.
- Lees J.M. and Burgoyne C.J., The use of aramid fibre reinforced plastics as Prestressing Tendons for Concrete, Procs FIP Symposium on Post-tensioned Concrete Structures, 607-614, London, September 1996.
- Sundaram J. and Burgoyne C.J., An expert system for Prestressed Concrete Bridge Design, 4th Congress on Computing in Civil Engineering (ASCE) Philadelphia, 16-18 June 1997, published in ASCE J. for Computing in Civil Engineering, 356-363, 1997.
- Burgoyne C.J., Rational use of advanced composites in concrete, Keynote Lecture, Procs 3rd Int. Symp. on Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-3, Vol 1, 75-88, Sapporo, Japan, October 1997.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Brown I.F., Transverse properties of bulk aramid fibres, Procs 3rd Int. Symp. on Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-3, Vol 2, 35-42, Sapporo, Japan, October 1997.
- Guimaraes G.B. and Burgoyne C.J., Thermal expansion of Kevlar 49 yarns, Procs 3rd Int. Symp. on Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-3, Vol 2, 171-178, Sapporo, Japan, October 1997.
- Lees J.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Rigid body analysis of concrete beams pretensioned with partially bonded AFRP tendons, Procs 3rd Int. Symp. on Non-Metallic (FRP) Reinforcement for Concrete Structures, FRPRCS-3, Vol 2, 759-766, Sapporo, Japan, October 1997.
- Burgoyne C.J., Advanced Composites - the Challenge to Bridge Designers, (invited paper) Procs 5th Small and Medium Span Bridge Conf, Calgary, July 1998.
- Ibell T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., The Shear strength of Concrete Containing Fibre reinforced Plastic Reinforcement, 23rd Conf Our World in Concrete and structures, Singapore, August 1998.
- Clements J.M., Lasenby J. and Burgoyne C.J., Interpolation of Rotations in Finite Difference Schemes using Geometric Algebra, Applied Clifford Algebras in Computer Science and Engineering (ACACSE�99), Mexico, June 1999.
- Lees J.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Design Guidelines for Concrete Beams Prestressed with Partially-Bonded FRP tendons. FRPRCS-4, Baltimore, October 1999.
- Burgoyne C.J., Design or Analysis - Elastic or Plastic, IABSE Henderson Colloquium � Making the Most of our Structures, Magdalene College, Cambridge, July 2000.
- Leung H.Y. and Burgoyne C.J., Compressive Behaviour of Concrete Confined by Aramid Fibre Spirals, Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2001, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 April 2001, 1357-1364.
- Leung H.Y. and Burgoyne C.J., Analysis of FRP-reinforced concrete beam with aramid spirals as compression reinforcement, Proceedings of the International Conference on Structural Engineering, Mechanics and Computation, SEMC 2001, Cape Town, South Africa, 2-4 April 2001, 335-342.
- Campos C.M.O., Guimarães G.B. and Burgoyne C.J., Rotation capacity of beams prestressed with external synthetic tendons, 5th Int. Conf. on Fibre Reinforced Plastics for Reinforced Concrete Structures Conference (FRPRCS-5), 711-720, Cambridge, July 2001.
- Morais M.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Ductility of sections reinforced and prestressed with FRP, 5th Int. Conf. on Fibre Reinforced Plastics for Reinforced Concrete Structures Conference (FRPRCS-5), 731-740, Cambridge, July 2001.
- Leung H.Y. and Burgoyne C.J., Behaviour of concrete confined with AFRP spirals, 5th Int. Conf. on Fibre Reinforced Plastics for Reinforced Concrete Structures Conference (FRPRCS-5), 875-884, Cambridge, July 2001.
- Stratford T.J. and Burgoyne C.J., Shear analysis of concrete with brittle reinforcement, 5th Int. Conf. on Fibre Reinforced Plastics for Reinforced Concrete Structures Conference (FRPRCS-5), 939-948, Cambridge, July 2001.
- Morais M.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Energy dissipation in sections prestressed with FRP tendons, Procs of Int. Conf. On Composites in Construction � CCC2001, ed. J. Figueiras, L. Juvandes and R. Faria, 421-426, Porto, Portugal, October 2001.
- Burgoyne C.J., Ductility and Deformability in Beams Prestressed with FRP Tendons, (Keynote paper), Procs of CICE2001 FRP Composites in Civil Engineering, ed. Teng J.G., Vol 1, 15-26, Hong Kong, December 2001.
- Balafas I., Burgoyne C.J., Initial Cost Considerations on the Use of Fibre Reinforced Plastics in Reinforced Concrete Structures; Research Leading to the Develoment of Design Guidelines for the Use of FRP in Concrete Structures - 2nd ConFibreCrete Young Researchers Conference, Corfu, Greece, June 2002.
- Marfisi E., Burgoyne C.J., Hall L.D. and Amin M.H.G., Use of MRI technique to study concrete and FRP reinforced concrete behaviour; Research Leading to the Develoment of Design Guidelines for the Use of FRP in Concrete Structures - 2nd ConFibreCrete Young Researchers Conference, Corfu, Greece, June 2002.
- Alwis K.G.N.C. and Burgoyne C.J., Accelerated techniques to predict the stress-rupture behaviour of aramid fibres, 6th Int. Conf. on Fibre reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures, (FRPRCS-6), 111-120, Singapore, July 2003 (Received Best Paper (Research) Award).
- Morais M.M and Burgoyne C.J., Experimental Investigation of the ductility of beams prestressed with FRP, 6th Int. Conf. on Fibre reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures, (FRPRCS-6), 1013-1022, Singapore, July 2003.
- Balafas I. and Burgoyne C.J., Optimal cost design for beams prestressed with FRP tendons, 6th Int. Conf. on Fibre reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures, (FRPRCS-6), 1391-1400, Singapore, July 2003.
- Alwis K.G.N.C. and Burgoyne C.J., Stepped isothermal method to predict the stress-rupture behaviour of aramid fibres, 4th Conf on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Paper 046, Calgary, Canada, July 2004.
- Balafas I. and Burgoyne C.J., Economic viability of structures with FRP reinforcement or prestress, 4th Conf on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Paper 186, Calgary, Canada, July 2004.
- Burgoyne C.J., Does FRP have an economic future?, Invited Keynote Paper, 4th Conf on Advanced Composite Materials in Bridges and Structures, Calgary, Alberta July 2004.
- Alwis K.G.N.C. and Burgoyne C.J., Stepped isothermal method to predict the stress-rupture behaviour of aramid fibres, 7th Int Conf on Fibre reinforced polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS7), ACI SP-230, 181-193, New Orleans, November 2005.
- Burgoyne C.J., Early Application of Prestressed Concrete in the United Kingdom, Ned H. Burns Symposium on Historic Innovations in Prestressed Concrete, ACI SP-231, 15-32, New Orleans, November 2005.
- Burgoyne C.J., Analysis of Continuous Prestressed Concrete Beams (preprint), Essays in the History of the Theory of Structures, ed. S. Huerta, 61-77, Instituto Juan de Herrera, Madrid, December 2005.
- Achintha P.M.M. and Burgoyne C.J., A Fracture-Mechanics Model for Debonding of External Fibre Reinforced Polymer Plates on Reinforced Concrete Beams, 10th East Asia-Pacific Conference on Structural Engineering and Construction, 6, 731-736, Bangkok, Thailand, August 2006.
- Marfisi E. and Burgoyne C.J., Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Concrete with FRP Reinforcement, Procs 8th Int. Conf on Fibre Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS8) Paper 11-31, Patras, Greece, July 2007.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Balafas I., Why Is FRP Not A Financial Success? Procs 8th Int. Conf on Fibre Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS8) Paper 1-1, Patras, Greece, July 2007.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Leung H.Y., Model For Concrete Confined By Aramid FRP, Procs 8th Int. Conf on Fibre Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS8) Paper 6-2, Patras, Greece, July 2007.
- Achintha P.M.M. and Burgoyne C.J., Fracture Mechanics Model of Plate Debonding, Procs 8th Int. Conf on Fibre Reinforced Polymers for Reinforced Concrete Structures (FRPRCS8) Paper 2-2, Patras, Greece, July 2007.
- Burgoyne C.J., Middleton C.R. and Lees J.M. (Editors), Procs. of Morley Symposium on Concrete Plasticity and its Applications, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, July 2007. Published as CUED Technical Report CUED/D-Struct/TR.222, ISBN 978-0-903428-29-3.
- Burgoyne C.J. and Smith A.L., Automated Lower Bound Analysis of Concrete Slabs, Procs. of Morley Symposium on Concrete Plasticity and its Applications, 49-66, Emmanuel College, Cambridge, July 2007.
- Burgoyne C.J., Enhancing compression flange behaviour of beams with FRP prestress, invited paper for ACI symposium in honour of Tony Naaman.
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C. J., Accelerated technique to predict stress-rupture behaviour of Aramid Fibres, 1st Conference on Structural Members and Elements, Athens, Greece, 21-23 May 2008.
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C.J., SIM Test Results for Aramid Fibres, paper 79, ACMBS-V, Winnipeg, September 2008.
- Lechat C., Bunsell A.R., Davies P. and Burgoyne C.J., Characterisation of long term behaviour of polyester fibres and fibre assemblies for offshore mooring lines, Oilfield Engineering with Polymers 2008, 7-8 October 2008, Cavendish Conference Centre, London, UK.
- Burgoyne C.J., Fibre Reinforced Polymers - Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities & Threats. Invited keynote paper for FRPRCS9, Sydney 2009.
- Achintha P.M.M and Burgoyne C.J., Fracture mechanics of plate debonding: experimental validation. FRPRCS9, Sydney, 2009
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C.J., Stepped Isostress Method for Aramid Fibres. FRPRCS9, Sydney, 2009
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C.J., Design Criteria for Aramid Fibres, ACIC Conference, Edinburgh, 2009.
- Taher Khorramabadi M. and Burgoyne C.J., Tests on FRP-Concrete Bond Behaviour in the presence of Steel, ACIC Conference, Edinburgh, 2009.
- Burgoyne C.J., Magnetic Resonance Imaging of Concrete. Invited Keynote Paper, 16th Greek Concrete Conference, Paphos, Cyprus, Oct. 2009.
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C.J., Jaw Effect in Yarn Testing, 16th Greek Concrete Conference, Paphos, Cyprus, Oct. 2009.
- Giannopoulos I.P. and Burgoyne C.J., Viscoelasticity of Kevlar 49 fibres, 16th Greek Concrete Conference, Paphos, Cyprus, Oct. 2009.
- Burgoyne C.J., Allowable Long Term Stresses in Aramid Tendons. Keynote paper at 1st Middle East Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures, Dubai UAE, Februray 2011.
- Taher Khorramabadi M. and Burgoyne C.J., Differences between FRP bond behaviour in cracked and uncracked regions, Paper 20, Fiber-Reinforced Polymer Reinforcement for Concrete Structures Conference (FRPRCS-10), Tampa, Florida, USA, American Concrete Institute, SP-275, 335-351, April 2011.
- Burgoyne C.J., Hunt H.E.M., Davidson P. and Causier M.L.T, Structures for Stratospheric Particle Injection, Paper P-0047 IASS-IABSE Symposium “Taller, Longer, Lighter”, London Sept 2011.
- Burgoyne C.J., Achintha P.M.M. & Guan X.G., Prediction of FRP debonding using the Global Energy Balance Approach. Invited paper presented at Special Session at ACI 2012 Spring convention on Fracture Mechanics applied to FRP debonding. Published in ACI Special Publication SP-286 A Fracture Approach for FRP-Concrete Structures ed Lopez M and Carloni C, Paper 1, May 2012.
- Guan X.G. and Burgoyne C.J., Unified Design Method for Flexure and Debonding in RC Beam retrofitting, presented at 1st Int. Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, (PLSE 2012), Hong Kong, Dec 2012.
- Guan X.G. and Burgoyne C.J., Fracture Investigation in FRP Plate Debonding, presented at 1st Int. Conference on Performance-based and Life-cycle Structural Engineering, (PLSE 2012), Hong Kong, Dec 2012.
- Guan G.X. and Burgoyne C.J., Flexural retrofitting Design for Strength and Debonding Prevention, presented at FRPRCS-11, Guimaraes, Portugal, June 2013.
- Guan G.X. and C.J. Burgoyne C.J., Determination of Debonding Fracture Energy Using Wedge-Split Test, presented at FRPRCS-11, Guimaraes, Portugal, June 2013.
Technical Reports
- Burgoyne C.J., Chambers J.J. and Guimaraes G.B., Tests on beams prestressed with unbonded polyaramid tendons, Cambridge University Engineering Department Technical Report (0309-7447) CUED/D-STRUCT/TR.132. 38pp. 1991
- Ibell, T.J. and Burgoyne, C.J., An experimental investigation into the behaviour of prestressed concrete end-blocks, Cambridge University Engineering Department Technical Report (0309-7447) CUED/D-STRUCT/TR.135. 48pp. 1991
- Burgoyne, C.J. and Merii, A.L., Hydrolysis tests on polyester yarns, Cambridge University Engineering Department Technical Report (0309-7447) CUED/D-STRUCT/TR.138. 34pp. 1993
- Brown, I.F. and Burgoyne, C.J., Anisotropic properties of Kevlar 49, Cambridge University Engineering Department Technical Report (0309-7447) CUED/D-STRUCT/TR.152. 40pp. 1995
- Burgoyne, C. J., Rational use of advanced composites in concrete, Cambridge University Engineering Department Technical Report (0309-7447) CUED/D-STRUCT/TR.167. 16pp. 1997
- Marfisi E., Amin M.H.G., Burgoyne C.J. and Hall L.D., The use of MRI to observe the structure and fracture patterns within concrete, Cambridge University Engineering Department Technical Report (0309-7447) CUED/D-STRUCT/TR.211. 40pp. 2004
- Guan X.G. and Burgoyne C.J., Digital Image Correlation Technique for Detailed CFRP Plate Debonding Fracture Investigation. Cambridge University Engineering Department Technical Report (0309-7447) CUED/D-STRUCT/TR.227. 27pp. 2015
Educational Videos
- Bare Essentials of Prestressed Concrete. What is prestressed concrete?
- Bare Essentials of Prestressed Concrete. Achieving the high levels of compression in the beam
- Bare Essentials of Prestressed Concrete. The effect of creep on prestressed concrete.
- Bare Essentials of Prestressed Concrete. Where in the beam do the prestressing cables go? (Extended version)
Minor publications
- Burgoyne C.J., Rope Suspension, New Scientist, 106(1457), 48, 1985.
- Burgoyne C.J., How does the new building stand up? Emmanuel College Magazine, LXXVI, 117-122, 1993-94
- Burgoyne C.J., Obituary: Professor Sir Alan Harris 1916-2000, Magazine of Concrete Research, 53(2), 71-72, doi:10.1680/macr., 2001
- Burgoyne C.J., 1940s Prestressed Concrete Bridges, Structural Engineer, 82(3), 34, 2004
- Burgoyne C.J., Publishing Ahead of Print, Editorial in Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol 60/4, 235-236, 10.1680/macr.2008.60.4.235, 2008
- Burgoyne C.J., Plastic Concrete? Editorial in Magazine of Concrete Research, Vol 60/8, 547-548, 10.1680/macr.2008.60.8.547, 2008
- Burgoyne C.J., A Royal Navy Monitor at Stavros, The New Mosquito, Salonika Campaign Society, 22, 3-6, Sep 2010
- Burgoyne C.J., Taerwe L., & Matthys S., Arie Gerritse 1929-2011 - Obituary, Structural Concrete, 12, 217, 2011