Submitted by Administrator on Tue, 17/12/2019 - 16:40
Congratulations to Michele who has been awarded the ‘fib Italy YMG Award for Best Research Advances in Concrete and Concrete Structures’ for his work on the assessment of deteriorated reinforced concrete bridges.
Michele presented a research paper titled 'Bond degradation and reduced cover in concrete with transverse reinforcement' to a committee of academics and industry representatives at the 1st fib Italy YMG Symposium on Concrete and Concrete Structures [http://fibitaliayoung.it/index.php/symposium-eng/] held on 15th October at the University of Parma, Italy. “The scientific committee appreciated the fresh contribution that Michele provided in a field of great interest for scientists and practitioners. His paper was very well conceived and clearly presented during the Symposium.” Dr. Marta del Zoppo, fib Italy YMG Chair.
The aim of the Symposium was to "create an open forum on recent developments and new boundaries of the challenging world of concrete and concrete structures”. It was organised with the support of the Collegio dei Tecnici della Industrializzazione Edilizia - Board of Building Industry Specialists (CTE), Associazione Italiana Calcestruzzo Armato e Precompresso - Italian Association for Structural Concrete (aicap) and Fédération internationale du béton - International Federation for Structural Concrete (fib).